WZ Work Zone Flagger 4th Ed Instructor Development Course

5/6/2025 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST1121 Spring Lake DriveItasca13$771.50

  • Product Details

    • Our NSC Work Zone Flagger Instructor program is an introductory course that teaches roadway personnel to provide safe passage of traffic through and around temporary traffic control work zones. The new 4th Edition Flagger course is essential for work zone workers required to conduct flagging operations as part of their job.

      Purchasing this Instructor Development Course authorizes you to become an instructor for the 4th Edition Work Zone Flagger course.  Authorized National Safety Council Work Zone instructors are part of an exclusive group nationwide that represent large and small organizations from private industry to government agencies.

      Our Instructor Development Course is a blended approach of eLearning and Instructor Led Training.  With this purchase you will receive an Instructor Resource Kit (IRK) and the Instructor Development Course training:

      • Instructor Manual (printed and downloadable versions)
      • 2009 MUTCD – Parts 1, 5, 6
      • Participant Guide and sample Certificate of Completion
      • Downloadable Multimedia
      • eLearning Modules 1, 2, 3
      • Instructor Led Training Module 4
  • Objectives

    • To become an authorized Work Zone Flagger Instructor, NSC requires that you first obtain NSC Flagger Novice Certification.  

      Upon acknowledgement of your Flagger Novice certification status, the National Safety Council has made it easy for you to become an Authorized Work Zone Flagger Instructor through our blended learning approach.  To get started, take three (3) eLearning Modules produced in an interactive, web-based environment. You will learn about NSC, our proven-effective facilitation techniques as well as foundational training skills to deliver a successful Work Zone training program.

      Upon completion of the eLearning modules you will then need to take the one-day (Module 4) Instructor Led Training portion.  An authorized Work Zone Flagger Instructor Trainer will take you through the following agenda topics and objectives:

      • About the Flagger Training
        1. Identifying the structure of the Flagger Training
        2. Define the MUTCD
      • Role of Flaggers in a Work Zone and Working Safely
        1. Identify the role of flaggers in work zones
        2. Teach about safety equipment and flagging commands and signals
      • Flagger Station and Operations
        1. Teach Flagger Station Setup and Procedures
      • Outdoor Exercise and Evaluation
        1. Setting up the outdoor exercise using Parking Lot Diagram
        2. Pairs activity: one person demonstrates the skill and the other coaches then switch roles
      • Prepare to Teach
        1. Sections are assigned and candidate instructors prepare to teach their section
        2. Teach Back - teach a section of the Flagger 4th Edition training
  • Delivery Type

    • Blended = eLearning  + ILT 

  • Duration

    • eLearning Modules:

      Module 1: NSC – 15 minutes

      Module 2: Facilitation Skills – 45 minutes

      Module 3: Foundation of Work Zone Courses – 45 minutes

    • Instructor Led Training:

      1 Day (8 hrs)